
<== Site of the Week for 2014-03-28 ==>

Nora Hall Carving Designs

Born in Amsterdam in 1922, Nora Hall was the daughter of Dutch Master woodcarver Johannes Leereveld. Nora's aspirations to attend art school were cut short when Germany invaded Poland in 1940.

During the WWII, the Leereveld's joined the Dutch underground and became skilled at hiding people the Nazis. Nora gave up her aspirations of attending art school and began a traditional woodcarving apprenticeship under her father.

With the revival of interests in wood crafts in the 1970s, Ms. Hall revived her woodworking career. Ms. Hall engaged in a series of notable commissions and made numerous instructional videos on master woodcarving techniques including regular appearances on the PBS Shows "The Woodwright's Shop".

The video below provides a tribute to Nora Hall's life and career.

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Site NameNora Hall Carving Designs
Review History2014-03-28
Category Steamboat Springs Me: Arts
Page Views13297
PreviousOld Town Hotsprings

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